Uploading Candidates from a Spreadsheet

One of the options when adding candidates is to bulk upload from a spreadsheet.

To do so, click the 'Bulk Upload' button found next to the 'purchase credits' button.

Once selected, a pop-up window will appear providing instructions on how to upload your file.

You will see the requirements of the spreadsheet file: a CSV file structured in columns in the following format:  Candidate's legal First Name, Last Name and email address. These will be automatically inputted once the file is uploaded, so the spreadsheet format must match the structure of the portal. 

Next, click the 'Choose File' button. This will lead you to a pop-up window for you to choose the file from your desktop.

Select your CSV file, and click upload. This will input all the candidates into the portal list. 

Just choose the package and the payment method, and you are ready to check out. 

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