Candidate Form - Work history

To complete this part of the your screening we have partnered with Konfir to verify your employment history, depending on the number of years of work history required we will search for the relevant dates. If we cannot trace your employment history through your bank, the system will direct you to log-in or register for a Government Gateway account, this is done to allow HMRC to pull your income record. Please note, no financial details are shown on your report, the information we pull is simply the company name and the dates in which you were employed by the company.

If you choose not to connect to via Konfir, you will be given the option to upload paperwork that would confirm your work history. Alternatively, you can enter the contact details of your previous employer and we will reach out to them. Please note, this method can drastically increase the time it takes to complete your screening.

Depending on which method you choose to provide your work history, please refer to the relevant instructions to complete this section of the form.

If you need to enter additional activities to cover the period requested, click on the ‘Add activity’ button and repeat the process accordingly


  1. Click on the ‘Add activity’ button to begin entering your work history. Depending on how many years’ worth of work history is required begin my entering the oldest date first
  2. Select ‘Employment’ from the dropdown list of options
  3. Next, type in your job title and the company name
  4. If you wish to provide us with paperwork to confirm this employment then tick the box that says ‘upload your first and latest payslip’
    1. Click the upload button and then choose a document that would provide proof of your start date with the company. The document needs to clearly show your name, the name of the company and the date that is closest to your start date. For example, your contract letter or first payslip
    2. Repeat the process to provide a document that would confirm your end date with the company. For example, a letter to confirm your last day or your P45.
  5. If you wish to provide us with a reference to confirm this employment then tick the box that says ‘provide a reference for this employment’
  6. Type in the first and last name of the reference, or the department name
  7. Next, type in the references’ or department’s email address
  8. Type in the contact number for the reference or department
  9. Insert your start and end date at the company, if you still work for the company tick the box that says ‘ongoing’
  10. Once complete, click the ‘Submit’ button

Care Giver

If you have selected ‘Care giver’ from the activity options you will need to insert some details within the text box provided. Please provide a short description of who you were caring for during this period and if you were in receipt of any carers allowance

  1. Type in the dates you were caring for, select ‘ongoing’ if you are still caring for this person
  2. Once complete, click the ‘Submit’ button

Company Director

If you are/were a company director during the period required you can select this option from the list provided

  1.  Type in the company name as shown on Companies House
  2. Next, type in the company registration number, this can be found on Companies House
  3. Enter the dates that you have been a company director for, if you are still an active director, please select ‘ongoing’
  4. Once complete, click the ‘Submit’ button

Ill Health

If you have been unwell for a period of time and have been out of work you can select ‘Ill Health’ as an option from the dropdown list

  1. In the text box provided briefly describe why you have not been in employment
  2. If you have any paperwork that would confirm that you have been off work due to long term sickness, you can upload this into the next section
  3. Lastly, insert the dates that you have been out of work for, if you are still out of work, select ‘ongoing’ in the tick box provided
  4. Once complete, click the ‘Submit’ button


If you have been on holiday or have travelled during the time period requested and it has caused a gap in your work history, you can select ‘Holiday/Travel from the list of activities

  1. In the text box provided, briefly describe your movements during this period
  2. To confirm that you have been out of employment for a period, upload paperwork that would confirm the dates that you have been away. For example, flight confirmations with your name and dates
  3. Insert the dates that you have been travelling, or if you are currently travelling, select ‘Ongoing’ in the tick box
  4. Once complete, click the ‘Submit’ button


If you are/were self-employed during the period requested, you can select ‘Self-employment’ from the list provided

  1. To confirm this, we will require paperwork that would confirm the dates that you have been self-employed for. Tick on the box to confirm which type of paperwork you can provide us with
  2. Choose a file and then upload this back into the online form
  3. Lastly, insert the dates that you have been self-employed, if you are currently still self-employed, select ‘ongoing’ in the tick box
  4. Once complete, click the ‘Submit’ button


If you are/were unemployed during a period required then you can select ‘Unemployment’ from the list provided

  1. If you have been claiming any kind of financial support during this period we will require paperwork to confirm this, you can upload this paperwork into the ‘choose files’ button. The paperwork could be, for example, benefits statement or bank statements showing payments in etc. Please note, we do not need to see any financial details and any that do show will be redacted
  2. If you did not claim any financial support whist unemployed you can tick the box that says ‘no unemployment benefit claims made
  3. Once you have uploaded the relevant paperwork, type in the dates that you have been unemployed for, if you are currently unemployed, please tick the box that says ‘Ongoing’
  4. Once complete, click the ‘Submit’ button


If you are/were in education during the period required then you can select ‘Education’ from the dropdown list of activities

  1. Next, type in the name of the institution
  2. To confirm your attendance we require a copy of your certificate(s) or transcripts, click on the ‘choose files’ button to upload the paperwork
  3. If you did not continue in education after the age of 16 please tick the box that says ‘No further education after 16years old’
  4. Lastly, enter the dates that you started and finished the course or the dates you were in education for. If you are still in education, tick the box that says ‘ongoing’
  5. Once complete, click the ‘Submit’ button

Maternity Leave

If you are/were on maternity leave during the period required then you can select this as an option on the drop down list of activities

  1. To confirm your maternity leave we will need to obtain a copy of your MAT B1 form or your maternity certificate. Click on the ‘Choose files’ button to upload a copy of these documents
  2. Lastly, input the date of your maternity leave. If you are still on maternity leave tick the box that says ‘ongoing’
  3. Once complete, click the ‘Submit’ button

Home Maker

If you are/were looking after your family during the period required and you were not in full time employment you can select ‘Home Maker’ from the list of dropdown activities

  1. In the text box provided briefly describe what you were doing during this period
  2. Lastly, input the dates that you have been at home for, and if you are still a home maker please select ‘ongoing’
  3. Once complete, click the ‘Submit’ button


If you don’t find an activity that accurately reflects a period of time that is required to complete this section of the form then you can select ‘other’ from the dropdown list

  1. In the text box provided briefly describe what you have been doing during this period of time
  2. Lastly, insert the dates of this period of time and if it is still ongoing, select the box that says ‘ongoing’
  3. Once complete, click the ‘Submit’ button

Click save and continue

When you have added all of your work history, click ‘save & continue’

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