FAQ - How does Konfir use my data & what is shared?

How does Konfir use my data?

Konfir uses proprietary banking, payroll and HMRC integrations, allowing you to instantly share your data. We never access any of your personal information without your prior consent.

Konfir only access data through secure sources such as Open Banking, which is a standardised process fully regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

Konfir's cloud-hosted platform is designed to the highest security standards. Key data is encrypted and users credentials are never stored.

What they’re doing

-       Verifying who you worked for

-       Verifying when you worked there

-       Verifying gaps in employment

-       Handling data securely

What they’re not doing

-       Sharing your bank statements

-       Alerting your previous employers

-       Sharing your spending transactions

-       Sharing your salary details

What data is shared?

Typically this will include income transactions  from your bank account, and employment related information (such as your dates of employment and start date) from your payroll and HMRC account. No spending data will be returned. 

The exact data points will depend on what checks are required by your prospective employer. If data isn’t needed, we won’t ask you to provide it.

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